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Re: CHAT: learning to read

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 16, 1999, 23:02 writes:
>that's how I learned to read too. At least, I remember being taught >phonics and not understanding a bit of it, but still being able to read.
My mom recalls that i never really had trouble with pronunciation. If i did, i would just ask how the word was said and memorize it. I have noticed that in my beginning Spanish class last year, i was always astounded that some people could not pronounce the words even at the end of the semester. An especially tricky one for them was "diccionario". it would always come out sounding like "dicshunario". I think being a sight reader, as my mom calls it, has helped me in learning Spanish (i find it very easy to learn, so far =) ).