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Re: CHAT: learning to read

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 16, 1999, 15:39
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, J.Barefoot wrote:

> > Something bothers me about how children learn to read these days. Parents > buy tapes and games and "Hooked on Phonics," but I think if they would just > read to the child regularly there wouldn't be so much of a problem. That's > how I learned to read (probably why I'm biased to the method, though it > seems the simplest), though I think I could actually recite "Goldilocks and > the Three Bears" before I could read it. Nevermind, I'll stop babbling now. >
There's no real problem - Naomi is forced to use the phonics system in order to learn to read, and while it's a really foolish system, at least she will be a wonderful phonetician, one day ;-). It has little to do with reading to your children, at least, I think reading a lot is necessary to give them the idea that books and stories are great fun, but in the case of Naomi that's not where the main interest in reading is coming from - the computer is responsible for that! Boudewijn Rempt |