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Recorded sound samples

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 19, 2000, 23:14
I've just uploaded a lot of changes to my site, regarding
the Draseléq Encyclopaedia; in particular, I've added some
sound samples.

I've also uploaded two trilingual haiku (Draseléq/Spanish/
English) and you can hear my sweet voice reciting the second
one in Draseléq:

(the third one is an old poem, which you can hear too).

Finally, the latest version of the Draseléq dictionary
(beware: glosses in Spanish) is now available in zip file
of about 310 KB (containing also the obsolete Biyuron

OK, comments and critiques are welcome -- *except* about
my recorded voice. ;)

--Pablo Flores
  ... I cannot combine any characters that the divine Library
  has not foreseen, which in some of its secret tongues do not
  bear some terrible meaning. No-one can articulate a syllable
  not filled of caresses and fears; which is not, in some one
  of those languages, the powerful name of a god...
                   Jorge Luis Borges, _The Library of Babel_