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Re: CHAT: Passover

From:James Campbell <james@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 16:58
Nik Taylor asked:

> James Campbell wrote: > > Passover almost always coincides with our (Jehovah's > > Witnesses') Memorial celebration, i.e. the commemoration of the Lord's > > Evening Meal and Memorial of Christ's Death, since the date's worked out
> > the basis of the old Jewish religious calendar, IIRC. > > Question: Do you use the current Jewish calendar, or based on the > Catholic/Protestant Easter, or based on actual sighting of the > full-moon?
It's the old Jewish calendar, I think, as would have been used in the first century. I seem to recall that it's not calculated quite the same way in the current Jewish calendar, something to do with which years got the extra month. I can't check right now as I've been moving house today and I'm not in the same place as my references. Perhaps someone could confirm this, but IIRC Veadar was added to 7 years every 19 (I think), depending on when a certain full moon was seen, but in more recent times that was regularized to something like years 3,5,8,etc in every cycle. Or I could be remembering very badly. I have a good forgettory. Anyway, as a result we can differ in our celebration date from the generally recognized Passover date by a whole month, once in a while. This year it was the same though. James ========================================================================= James Campbell Zeugma--Our Life Is Design =========================================================================