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Re: The things one finds

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Monday, July 26, 1999, 5:50
On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Matt Pearson wrote:

> > To make things > > worse, the history of linguistics is very nearly an empty discipline: > > people are taught, at most, caricatures of what their predecessors > > thought. (This is true of the natural sciences as well, alas.) > > Agreed! I certainly wish *I* knew more about the history of > linguistics... >
Have you seen the series on history of linguistics published by Longman? They're a bit hard to read, since they've been translated from Italian, but give a lot information. I've only got one volume, but I've seen the rest on the shelves at Blackwell. Lepschy, Guilio (ed.). 1994. History of Linguistics: classical and medieval linguistics, volume II..Harlow: Longman Group. This one is very short, indeed: Robins, R.H. 1990. A short history of linguistics. Harlow: Longman Group. For the rest, I'd say one has to read representative works from through the ages ;-). Boudewijn Rempt |