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News from Brown (the master cylinder speaks)

From:David G. Durand <david@...>
Date:Friday, December 17, 1999, 14:42
I received the following mail from the systems staff at Brown, update
your address books, etc. accordingly.

   -- David

This mail is to inform you that your Listserv list:
has been moved to a new server.  Your list had been hosted on, and is now hosted on  Due
to this change, both you and your subscribers should start using
these new addresses immediately:
   for postings use:
   for listserv commands use:
The old brownvm addresses will continue to work for at least several
weeks, with mail sent there forwarded to the new addresses.

This mail is being sent only to list owners.  Please post mail to
your list to inform your subscribers of the change.

The new server is running the latest version of Listserv, 1.8d, and
also provides a web interface for lists which have archives.  When
the web interface is ready to use, I'll send mail with information
on how to access it.
David Durand      \             \  Director of Engineering
     Graduate Student no more!              \  Dynamic Diagrams