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Re: your opinion

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 21:53

Reilly Schlaier writes:
>>Where does the _a_ in _skagg_- forms come from? > > 'o' becomes 'a' sometimes because of an irregular a-umlaut > its supposed to be across the board but tends to occur only rarely (because > im not sure if i like it or not)
It sure messed up the declension tables even more, so I tend to like it. :-)
>>Another thing: I take it 'til' is a preposition? Why does it take >>dative case? It takes genitive in Icelandic. (Dunno about Faroese, >>though.) > > its actually just there to help distinguish the acc. from the dat.
Where does it derive from, then? It confused me a bit. And I suppose it would not be a problem if the acc and dat where indistinguishable from some words -- it happens in Icelandic, too.
> im a fan of Þrjótrunn because of how impossibly well researched it is :)
Wow, thanks! :-) **Henrik