> I've been thinking in some new ideas about a new language with no part of
> speech disctintion for words themselves but a functional inflection.
> The idea is not having a verb-noun disctintion, any word would function as
> either subject, object, predicate, location or modifier. The disctiontion
> in a phrase would be held by an inflection, like a case afix, and other
> modifiers, like tense, number or evidence would be given as afixes. A word
> acting as object could have a tense mark, as a word acting as predicate
> could have a number mark.
> Any sugestions to this? I wouldn't like it to be too aglutinative... I've
> think in biliteral or triliteral roots.
> Idea is to make it speakable for human beings, and roots should be
> selfsegregating from modifiers.
> _____
> Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzsn
Christopher Reid Palmer reid@pconline.com www.pconline.com/~reid
"A virtue must be our own invention, our most necessary self-expression
and self-defense: any other kind of virtue is merely a danger."
--Nietzsche, *The Antichrist*