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Verimak in Nedm

From:Joe Mondello <rugpretzel@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 12, 1999, 21:57
Here's the Nedm translation of Verimak.  I used the modal verb j "to not do"=20
and the suffix =F3yon "from now on" (normally tenses are modal prefixes and=20
aspects are modal aspects, but in this case I wasn't sure which one "from no=
on" is.  Help, please?) to translate the word verimak
Also, I was wondering what the names of Nedm vowel sounds are.  They go as=20
a=09as in at
=E1=09as in buy
e=09as in get
=E9=09as in pay
i=09as in in
y=09as in be
o=09as in on
=F3=09as in go
u=09as in but
=FA=09as in too
=FC=09as in good
au=09as in how
aw=09as in awful


j=F3yon  m=FAxy gev voxy=20
h=E9l roxa=FEy kydivy kadeslymu
k=F3 m=E9o k=E1piv bokaru fypet
k=F3m c=E9s la
k=F3 f=E1om
d=E9v kadem, yaby kadem
hos milmeny gortosy
=E1z=E9 voz rosk

j=F3yon m=FAxyax =F0ijy pety=E9
k=F3 manmaz k=FAy gr feny
jo namaz f=FAdyin ojo =F0=FAgw=E9az
kam sakindy hos jornty
fenyvo, mitsunyvo, d=E1fyvo
=E1rozo kwon=E9ol
=E1z=E9 voz rosk

j=F3yon m=FAxy gon kafyn
j=E9l hwis kakocko am=FAxy
=FAjo m=FAxyaj, v=E1bomom, b=FAmukom
k=F3hor fun=FAal e saual
n=E9digy punj, oyev, galmen
=FAz =E1roko t=FApr=FCt bedyin
=E1z=E9 voz rosk

and the interlinear:

no longer j=F3yon not.from-now-on
> > Kale ilid vepat verimak vrydaf
heat of-the sun no longer fear-imp. j=F3yon m=FAxy gev voxy=20 present.don't.from-now-on fear heat sun.genitive=20 fear, "m=FAxy" comes from "xwy m=FA", literally "stare below." I am present= ly=20 attempting to shift more towards verbs created from prepositions and verbs=20 with more metaphorical meanings.
> ro* nivvuo*rod ilid tenuo tehsat.
or tantrums of the winter rage h=E9l roxa=FEy kydivy kadeslymu or tantrum.plural rage-genitive attributive-winter. again, kydiv (rage) is a compound "ky div" meaning "very anger". "dy" also=20 indicates the expression of a feeling. By unintentional coincidence, the=20 plural ending -y is identical to the genitive singular ending -y, similar to=20 the English-s/-'s.
> Fy fyl ofykya takremait uarfy ritimika,
you your job secular you have accomplish k=F3 m=E9o k=E1piv bokaru fypet accomplish k=E1piv (accomplish)=3D k=E1 piv (into-taste). fypet (secular)=3Dfy pet=20 (away-from-god)
> uarfy hovikary eua,
you have to-house go k=F3m c=E9s la house
> fyl rilbet uarfy uena.
your coin you have taken k=F3 f=E1om the placeholder in the nominative is often used to translate the passive.
> Beto*n orwemaht jetan-jo,
boys golden girls-and d=E9v kadem, yaby kadem boy, girl
> hdo hmekivarn ilid kodyrn,
as cleaners of the chimney hos milmeny gortosy like
> il fo*m hmai nomdwav uoa.
the dust must always become =E1z=E9 voz rosk always.definitely.start dust
> > Vekte ilid hrelen verimak vrydaf;
frown of the lords no longer fear j=F3yon m=FAxyax =F0ijy pety=E9 present.don't.from-now-on frown.plural=20 god.genitive.plural
> zeaamna fy vilrrandoid takto*rl;
you're beyond of a bad king cruelty k=F3 manmaz k=FAy gr feny evil bad king.genitive
> enyvo fimuo*l-jo vera tepilaf;
meal clothing-and dont heed jo namaz f=FAdyin ojo =F0=FAgw=E9az present.don't.simple the-accusative-(of the=20 following clause) present.don't.simple =F0=FAgw=E9, literally "make/do without", is almost always used with the neg= attive=20 modal verb -j-. This makes the sentence mean literally "don't worry about=20 that which you can't live/do without"
> rin fyry tsema toryo tenvvyo.
about you like oaktree grassblade kam sakindy hos jornty tree.thick-pole like grass.thin-pole
> Reik, kyam, kado*hs-jo,
crown, book, caduceus-and fenyvo, mitsunyvo, d=E1fyvo royal.ness, intelligent.ness, doctor.ness
> aibban poto hmai omdwa sendra,
this all must always want to follow =E1rozo kwon=E9ol always.must.definitely.simple
> send fo*mp hmai nomdwav uoa.
and dust must always become =E1z=E9 voz rosk always.definitely.start dust
> > Fepre ilid fefiril verimak vrydaf,
touch of the lightning no longer fear j=F3yon m=FAxy gon kafyn present.don't.from-now-on fear strike attributive.lightning
> ro* mro*molid ouo to dorifan.
or thunder sound for fearing j=E9l hwis kakocko am=FAxy nor sound attributive.thunder agentive.fear
> Vera vrydaf viljjano ro* rendyn rankoid.
not fear slander or scars of scorn =FAjo m=FAxyaj, v=E1bomom, b=FAmukom ever.don't.simple,,=20
> Fyl taitfo uo tabllyso uarfy trammalta.
your laughter and weeping you have finish k=F3hor fun=FAal e saual and
> Amyelden jo*ven, deluanharn, ravo*yarn:
suitors young beloved ones lovers n=E9digy punj, oyev, galmen one-who.courts.plural young, one-who-is.loved-(emotionally),=20 [sexual]-love.person
> e aibban nomdwa tanahs,
to this thing they always succumb =FAz =E1roko t=FApr=FCt fall.into
> send fo*mp nomdwav uoa.
and dust always become =E1z=E9 voz rosk always.definitely.start dust pacs precs joe mondello