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Re: Dutch "ij"

From:Tim May <butsuri@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 21:12
Nik Taylor writes:
 > Tim May wrote:
 > > Qabalah, qanat, qawwali, qi, qibla, qigong and qintar are in the New
 > > Oxford.  Everything else I can see is a proper noun or an abbreviation
 > > (is Qabalah proper?  It's capitalized). Oh, and qwerty is at the back
 > > of q.  I'd count that as an abbreviation, although I guess it's a grey
 > > area.
 > Okay, there are a *few* examples.  But, I think those would count as
 > foreign words, which are illegal in Scrabble.  Of course, "foreign word"
 > is a rather grey area, as numerous debates with my mother during
 > Scrabble games attest.  :-)

They're certainly foreign words, but they are in the dictionary, and
thus now words in English.  Is there as specific dictionary the
authority of which is recognized by serious Scrabble players?


Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>