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Re: Metrical Stress, Feet, Syllables, Genders, Email Servers etc.

Date:Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 17:12
Mark J. Reed scripsit:

> Indeed. I would have had to use a new naming scheme for any additional > computers; I feel that naming a computer "down" would be asking for > trouble, and I just couldn't bring myself to name one "bottom" for > other reasons. :)
For that matter, naming a computer "up" was a bad idea in the first place: it leads to silly-sounding sentences like "Is up down?" and "Boot up up." See for details on this and other bad ideas for computer names; for another view of the subject. -- John Cowan 'Tis the Linux rebellion / Let coders take their place, The Linux-nationale / Shall Microsoft outpace, We can write better programs / Our CPUs won't stall, So raise the penguin banner of / The Linux-nationale.


Shreyas Sampat <shreyas@...>
Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>