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Re: OT: Mood-reflective eye-colour (WAS: Re: The Melting)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 27, 2003, 7:48
    I have lil beady "blackhole" eyes * (or "gun-barrel eyes" depending
entirely on the situation ;)

    * my Mum says I have always had "a Lust of the Eye" - that I am always on
the prowl for interesting things, people and places to see, watch, read,
goggle, contemplate, stare down, situations to take advantage of, poke into, etc.
ad infinitum
    Kiki the Ferret and Curious George have practically nuthin' on me :P~

    Only time my "Lust of the Eye" is in down-time is when I sleep... er,
well, even in my dreams eyes still be a-rovin'... and oh yeah, I am a veeeerrry
"lite sleeper", so lite that a Vietnam vet friend commented that I have "combat
nerves." LOL. I also twitch so bad in my sleep that I am rather infamous for
fallin' outta beds & sofas to the amused delight of less understanding
housemates (now, I have floor-huggin' futon).

    Ok enuff about _moi_... tiresome subject ;?
Hanuman Zhang (aka "Z")
WOG (Wiley Oriental Gentleman ;)
Avatar of Sun WuKong, a.k.a _Ma-Lau_ ("Monkey")
a.k.a. "TricksterGod of the Glorious Anti-Imperialist Chinese Boxers";
¡¡¡  TricksterShapeShifterIncarnate  !!!

<=  thee prIs ov X.iztenz iz aetern'l warfaer 'N' kreativ playf'llnizz...  =>

    =>  om hung hanumatay rudratmakai hung phat  <=
    mantra to Hanuman the Hindu Monkey TricksterGod

>Finally a religious statement I can agree with: > >the Zoroastrian teaching that it is a sin for a person to be boring.
"Life is all a great joke, but only the brave ever get the point." - Kenneth Rexroth googolgigglabyte goegolgiechelbijt - of - met een vette megagrijns GoogolGekicherByte googolrisibyte ===> el byte de la risita de googol googolrisadinhabyte ===> o byte de risadinha de googol googolspassoctet guugoIllolbijt gugolhihibajt gugolngisibayt okukolkikikol egúgelegigalibaith kiletstroknolyadgigabaiti cimacimakekehapi baitakhakhweifayatrauni ufi'auayinisuguguluarkhar pokatra oemadroabhethetre inarevuta yhiyhayhake nawyo va'i utne tuktukt'ishushukuko`g tuk go`go`o`gwgaga


Roger Mills <romilly@...>