Jan van Steenbergen gir'hit:
>...> Speaking about affricates, is an affricate by definition a stop followed
by its
>...> corresponding fricative, or can it also be the other way round? Let's say,
> [st], [St], ...
AFAIK no. But i need to consult my favorite Lingvisticheskij
enciklopedicheskij slovar' to check it.
>...> Besides, I think [pf] is not strictly an affricate. A proper affricate
would be
>...> either [p_p\] (labial) or [p*_f], where p* is my ad hoc invention for a
> labiodental stop. Or am I wrong?
Judging by what i hear from my wife (and they say she has very good German
pronunciation), it looks more like [p*_f] (should i write it [p_-_f]?)...
>...> At last, what would be the proper IPA/X-SAMPA representation for an
> alveo-palatal stop, the thing that appears in the Polish affricate <c'>
Yep. My new project CLP29 is going to have this nice thingy...
Btw, guys, linking with [_] makes me think more about diacritics :(
Even if [)] is not SAMPA, I think I'm still gonna use it...