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Re: (Re)Introduction, Art, Nature, Periods of the Day

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 4, 2003, 0:08
> hi, i'm yasmin.. > i used to post regularly, perhaps a couple years ago, > but have been lurking again the past few weeks. Never > formally introduced myself in the first place > > 29 yo "professional" freespirit, been working on my > pet project draqa since i was 10. It's been through > quite a change over the years, but still retains even > a bit of original material. There have been others, > but only draqa really has demanded to be nurtured..
Hey, welcome back. I was a dr(h)aqa fan & am happy to know it still lives. You're right that you never gave away much about yourself -- so "29 yo" seems a tremendous act of self-disclosure! --And.