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Re: Various chatter (short messages all in one pop....)

From:Dan Sulani <dnsulani@...>
Date:Friday, April 28, 2000, 14:30
On 28 April Steg wrote:


>I had an Israeli (or maybe know, born pre-1948?) >teacher in highschool who spent almost an entire period spouting bad >linguistics in order to show how Ashkenבzis is Hebrew spoken bad, and >that Yisr'eilםt is so much better. I tried to fix his theories, but he >wouldn't let anyone dispute him. Ohwell, at least i spent the next month >or so with a big sign on my looseleaf that said _lo' kavod >lileshon-haqodesh la`asot mimena mifletzet shel frankenstein!_ ("it is >not respectful to the language of holiness to turn it into a frankenstein >monster!"). on the bottom i had a little caption that went something >like _va`ad lehaganat hamivta' habazuy - lehitqadmut ha`ivrit hattiv`it_ >("council for the defense of the despised accent - for the promotion of >natural hebrew") :-) .
Sorry to hear that you met up with a linguistic idiot (and all the more sad that he was a "teacher".)
>These Israelis
Steg, speaking as one who fixes speech both in Ashkenazic and Sephardic accented Hebrew without bias of any sort, I hope that the above "These Israelis" doesn't refer to me and to those like myself who work, here in Israel, with the sole aim of restoring peoples' speech to whatever is proper for their particular linguistic tradition. can sometimes take their rejection of all things
>"galusdik" a little too far... > >((rantmode off)) > >-Stephen (Steg) > "sleep, like a fog, blew over him." ~ _gilgamesh_ > > ASHKENAZ POWER! DOWN WITH ISRAELI LINGUICISM! >
Dan Sulani -------------------------------------------------------------------- likehsna rtem zuv tikuhnuh auag inuvuz vaka'a. A word is an awesome thing.