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Re: Conlang-to-body-shape connections

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 21:52
I'm the "big and tall" kinda guy. No further comment.

My weight, appearance, activity and even personality type depend greatly on
my mood and mental state. I'm a raging bipolar with schizophrenic

I haven't worn glasses since grade school; that was for lazy-eye which was

And my favorite language, Arabic, is VSO (usually), NA, accusative, with
Latin-like stress rules. My second favorite language, Georgian, is SOV, AN,
mixed ergative, and stress tending towards the first syllable. My third
favorite language is probably Greek, with free word order tending towards
SVO and AN and variable stress, the rules of which I don't remember too

> I'm 1.87 m, 75 kg, now clean-shaven, wear glasses; like ergative, VSO and > final stress. > > /BPJ, Spastic sometime phonetics student


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>