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Re: Conlang-to-body-shape connections

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Thursday, March 27, 2003, 20:29
From: "Jan van Steenbergen"

> Hehe. I'm "big and tall" too. 1.90m with some overweight. No bouncing. > It seems that (among guys, at least) the tall ones are a vast majority
here. I can still bounce on occasion. ;) I'm taking less medication and that's helping.
> I used to be like that, but I have become remarkably (even boringly)
> since I passed 30.
The medication made me so stable I was comatose. Couldn't get anything done in my conlangs OR music!
> Hmm. Difficult question. I guess I should answer Tocharian, although
Polish is
> definitely the language that I know best and that inspires me most in my > conlanging.
I LOVE Polish phonology. And it has some of those consonant clusters I love. The Austin of my conworld, the tolerant, liberal bastion of the Texan dystopia becomes a haven for religious and political dissenters (it already is really), the way Poland became a safe place for Unitarians, Jews, Muslims, Old Catholics and other groups. If the Russians and Germans weren't occupying it. I know precious little about Tocharian except it was IE, centum, and had retroflexes and a-umlaut.