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Re: OT: polyonomy

From:Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>
Date:Saturday, December 9, 2006, 5:58
On Dec 8, 2006, at 10:55 AM, caeruleancentaur wrote:

> The featured article today on Wikipedia is about Macedonia. The > author uses the word "polyonomy" along > with "heteronomy." "Heteronomy" is an entry in the AHD. > However, "polyonomy" is not. I know what the author means, but I > should think the word would be "polynomy." The word doesn't seem to > warrant that extra "o." Neither form is in the AHD.
I'm not exactly sure what is meant by it in that article; it's a little irritating that it isn't defined where it is used. I guess the impression I get is that the name "Macedonia" can refer to several different things, and that those things can also be called by other names. I didn't find *any* of those words in the online AHD, FWIW. Anyway, if the etymological meaning is "many names", I think it should be <polyonymy>. The "extra" O is part of the Greek word for "name", <onymos>. <Polynomy>, AFAICT, would mean "many systems of government" or "many bodies of knowledge". <Polyonomy> seems like a conflation of the two. (But I am not an expert.)