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Re: BrScB syllabic symbols (was: Back again)

From:Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>
Date:Thursday, September 11, 2003, 17:29
> >>>I had considered using "h" for /ni/ ~ /nu/ since at >>>least >>>it has a similar shape to "n" and the upper case H is identical to the >>>Cyrillic >>>letter for /n/. >> >>That's an even better idea. > >I think so too - but would such a use of Roman 'h' be too bizarre?
Depends on how used to Cyrillic you are. My husband at one point realized that he had been studying an awful lot of Church Slavonic of late when we found ourselves stopped at a red light behind a car with the letters CHA and some numbers in the license plate. Without thinking, he immediately read CHA as "sna." Of course, then he thought twice, realized that it was Roman uppercase, and laughed about it. Us the character that way if you want to. It makes enough sense. Isidora


Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>