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Re: Sidestepping Spelling Reform

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Monday, February 2, 2004, 0:22
Paul Bennett scripsit:

> I couldn't find #sD, #Tl or #Dl, you'll be pleased to hear.
As I said in an earlier posting, D doesn't cluster with anything else in English. As for #Tl, it all changed to fl in West and North Germanic: Gothic þliuhan = German fliehen = English flee. A thly and a thlee in a thlue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the thly, "Let us thlee!" Said the thlea, "Let us thly!" So they thlew through a thlaw in the thlue. (Not that we likely have the slightest idea of the Gothic for fly, flea, flaw, or flue.) -- If you have ever wondered if you are in hell, John Cowan it has been said, then you are on a well-traveled road of spiritual inquiry. If you are absolutely sure you are in hell, however, then you must be on the Cross Bronx Expressway. --Alan Feur, NYTimes, 2002-09-20


Ph. D. <phild@...>