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Re: Men vs Women on Conlang

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Monday, December 16, 2002, 22:11
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Johansson" <and_yo@...>
> > > >She was Pamnerik of Teon, mistress of horses, slayer of kings, queen of
> >Black and Caspian Seas; death in her hands, foreseeing in her eyes,
> >in her sceptre, seduction and deceit on her lips, justice on her throne. > >:) > > Thanks for the info! Anyway, is it just me, or did she, appart from a > Captain Caveman attitude to politics, have a suspiciously male-sounding > name? "Pamnerik" sounds more like the name of a midevil Germanic chieftain > than of an ancient Queen.
What would one call that? Phonetically ethnocentric? :) "Pamnerik" is a character from a long lost novel I wrote when I was about fourteen (total crap), about one of the Feleonim, the winged cats that I used to dwell on. She was a warrior feline. Appropriated by humans, her name means "Red River," and can refer to the carnage she leaves behind or her own fatal menstruation. She is different, however, from the Goddess of War and Strategy. She has become euhemerized; and yes, she is a medieval, actually ancient, Chieftain. Queens can be chieftains. <G> Sally Caves Eskkoat ol ai sendran, rohsan nuehra celyil takrem bomai nakuo. "My shadow follows me, putting strange, new roses into the world."
> > Andreas > > _________________________________________________________________ > Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE* > > >


bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...>