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Re: digraphs

From:Jeff Rollin <jeff.rollin@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 10, 2007, 23:06
In the last episode, (On Tuesday 10 July 2007 23:58:02), T. A. McLeay wrote:
> Lars Finsen wrote: > > Den 10. jul. 2007 kl. 18.07 skrev Jeff Rollin: > >> Hmm. "Mingus" is getting quite a lot of traction over here due to the > >> fame/infamy of the third party's leader, and "Dee-el and Pascoe" is > >> the name of a popular TV show, But I've always heard "MacKenzie" as > >> "Mak'enzi:" > > > > Yes, even Menzies is sometimes pronounced with a /z/ nowadays. And I > > This is the only pronunciation of the former Australian Prime Minister's > name I've ever heard, though I gather he had a nickname "Ming".
Heheheh. The Merciless?! I wouldn't expect anyone but Scots to pronounce the name as "Mingus". Menzies Campbell and Iain M. Banks certainly do so, - and they are certainly Scots! - but the newsagent chain John Menzies has AFAIK always been pronounced "Menzeez". Jeff -- "Please understand that there are small European principalities devoted to debating Tcl vs. Perl as a tourist attraction." -- Cameron Laird


Jeff Rollin <jeff.rollin@...>