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Re: English l and Spanish ll

From:Tristan Mc Leay <conlang@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 9, 2004, 2:06
Adam Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious wrote:

>Is the English l represented as SAMPA IPA /l`/ or /l/ (since I've noticed the >difference between most language's l's and English's l's) > >
The English l is always /l/. However, though that answers the question you asked, it doesn't answer the question you wanted to ask. (see below for why) The English /l/ varies between what is called a 'clear l', [l] (in this case, an alveolar lateral approximate) and what is called a 'dark l' [5] (a velarised alveolar lateral approximate). Most descriptions say that clear l is used before vowels and a dark l before consonants, but I imagine the exact use varies from region to region. Not all dialects use both though; some always have a clear l, some might always have a dark l. Those that always have a clear l might have it because they pronounce all standard /l/ as a clear l regardless of the circumstances, or because they dark l has been so vocalised that it is now pronounced as a vowel or part of a diphthong. I suppose it's entirely possible that some people pronounce the velarised lateral as a velar lateral... In addition, some dialects will have a palatal or palatised l ([L] or [l_j], resp.) in words where there is an /l/ followed by a /j/ (or in some other palatal environment). Some people will further modify *that* to just a [j], hence one often hears the name of my country pronounced 'Austraya', must to the disappointment of some prescriptivists. (I've been known to say frex 'William' as [wIj@m] and have heard 'aluminium' as [&j@mIn_j@m].) You seem to be confusing phonemic and phonetic notations. Phonemic notations are surrounded by slashes and represent the pronounciation at only a high level. Details that are irrelevant to meaning and can be determined through context aren't included (for instance, (Australian) English 'stop' and 'top' as /stOp/ and /tOp/, or 'lid' and 'real' and 'valuable' as /lId/ and /rI:l/ /v&lj@b@l/). Seeing as there's only one lateral sound in English relevant at this level, it's denoted /l/. Phonetic notations are surrounded by square brackets and represent pronunciations at a level lower than this. Details that are irrelevant to meaning and can be determined through context _may be_ included, though you don't need to include all of them; it depends on what the focus is and how detailed you want to get (for instance, (Au) English 'stop' and 'top' as [stOp] and [t_hOp], or 'lid'~'real~'value' as [lId], [r\I:5=], [v&L@b@5]). Seeing as the exact pronunciation of the English lateral sound varies at this level, it can be denoted in a number of ways. Your question, then, was 'Is the English l [l] or [l`] ...?'.
>Also, is the Spanish ll (in the accents where it sounds similar to /dZ/) /z*/ >or /L/? >
In at least some it actually is [dZ)]. I'm not sure what you mean by '/z*/', the star isn't a Sampa, X-Sampa or CXS modifier character. You may be thinking in a different ASCII IPA scheme. This list generally uses CXS and you can find my chart of it at <>. HTH, -- Tristan.


Rene Uittenbogaard <ruittenb@...>