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Re: TRANS: Eyes

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Monday, August 16, 1999, 8:27
On Thu, 12 Aug 1999, FFlores wrote:

> OK, I might be making you people tired, but my muse is tickling me > these days and I have to share. So here goes YATE (yet another > translation exercise). It's a short poem, _Gef_ ('Eyes'). >
Can't be too bad, I'm keeping up! In Brithenig: Llo h-ogl. Yn ferch es llaesad di'll llad alltr, ddlo h-ogl sifil ddlo llag sewenith gw llo llagref h-afar, alch cholur thud di'll diwrn sifil yn yspegl cobrid, lla ogl amhodent gwidder, rhen di ffager ddlo h-ystuil, rhen di'll temp di'n diwrn abrig. Llo h-ogl. The. pl eyes Yn ferch es llaesad di'll llad alltr, A maiden is left of_the.m side other ddlo h-ogl sifil ddlo llag eyes like lake sewenith gw llo llagref h-afar, remember.imp you tear sewenirsi is a reflexive verb so the object pronoun follows directly after. This differs from the interrogative which would be seweni'gw 'w, 'do you remember?'. alch cholur thud di'll diwrn each colours of_the day I suspect that alch cholur thud, each of all the colours, is bad grammar. Alch, each, every, takes the place of the article before the noun, but I have not tried to use it to create this construction before, although Brithenig only uses tud, all, as an adjective following the noun. A Brithenig speaker might have to stop and think how to break this construction down. sifil yn yspegl cobrid, like a mirror covered lla ogl amhodent gwidder, the.f eye cannot see.inf Ogl, eye, is a masculine noun, when it is preceded by the feminine article it means the two eyes a person has as part of the body. rhen di ffager ddlo h-ystuil, not of make.inf stars rhen di'll temp di'n diwrn abrig. not of_the.m time of_a day sunny - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus Jesus is working out his salvation; he is about halfway there.