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Re: A language change question (longish)

From:ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 6:54
Eric Christopherson wrote:
>>How do these things happen? I can understand someone interpreting >e.g. _concoct_ as _concocked_ if it were used in complete isolation -- but >how can that kind of reanalysis take place when the word _concoct_ fits >into a "slot" which is clearly present tense, according to the context?
In those dialects that simplify final clusters, concoct > "concock", then "concocked" would be I suppose an analogical formation (note that it's still pronounced as if it were "concoct". One might say too that "concoct" was felt to be a past tense, then concock by _back formation_ -- that's a common change. But I think the dialectal explanation works better-- we know there are such dialects. I've heard "desses" as the plur of "des(k)", and "joisses" < "jois(t)".
>And is there a name for this phenomenon? > >Also probably related: in some languages you find words that show two or >more inflectional morphemes serving the same function, e.g. _children_ in >English, where both -(e)r and -en were once plural markers. This might >come from the same process. > >(Also, I recall reading a few months ago that the ending -ate in Latinate >English verbs originally had a perfect participle meaning, as its Latin >etymon does, but that it eventually became possible to use -ate words as >verbs, and then the verbal reading became the most common. The explanation >I read said that the change of -ate words into verbs was due to a >reanalysis of locutions like "they do congregate", in which _congregate_ >was originally a verbal noun and _do_ was the main verb; later _do_ became >more modal and _congregate_ was interpreted as the main verb. Apparently >such phrases with non- emphatic _do_ were more common in the past, as they >are in some dialects to this day. I'm not sure how this would relate to >the other examples I gave, but it's food for thought.)