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Re: logic vocabulary

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Thursday, December 23, 2004, 23:48
When I talk of logic vocabulary, I don't want it to be THE logic language

In such language, each word should be deductable of others and I don't see a
way to make it (but it merits attention... if someone can do this it would
be formidable!)

I don't want THE logic, I want A logic

I only want to link words with similar meanings. It is sure that the link
between two words will not the be the same between two others.

These binar oposition links I want could Include STATIVE/DYNAMIC (thank to
Ray Brown) like see/look at, hear/listen, water/river; FEMININE/MASCULINE
like woman/men, girl/boy, or body parts; YOUNGER/OLDER like kid/adult,
child/parent, puppy/dog

By writing this I thought that some words could be included in more than one
opposition to create synonyms that have a logic. If I have these




(maybe participative and passive are other bad choices but it is the only
two I found to describe it)

So boy, man, girl, woman, and listen would have two synonyms, that would
each have their own regular opposite wich would not be the synonym of the

To keep a logic in that I could create a prefix to represent each kind of

Each stative opposites of a Stative/dynamic opposition could begins with
"v-" and the dynamic one in "f-" (v and f to fit with the first example I've
gave with see and look)

and the feminine of a Feminine/Masculine opposition would begin in "dZ-" and
the masculine in "tS-" (again to fit with the man/woman example)

Is that a good idea? It very inspires me!

I have a great hope in that idea (but I'm ready to receive other messages to
locate my mistakes, I beggin to get used to these... and it is a good thing
because I would never had that idea if not)

So what do you think about it?