> Kjaginic, my new writing system for Tirelat and related languages, is
> designed around 4 different points of articulation, like Ljörr and similar
> systems, by using reflections and rotations of characters. But that's not
> enough for some Tirelat dialects (with 5 contrasting points of articulation
> for fricatives) and other languages which may have even more contrasts. So
> I'm testing a modification of Kjaginic that has strokes joined in the middle
> of the horizontal curve in addition to the ones joined at the end. This way
> I can get 8 different points of articulation, which should be enough for
> most langs.
> I still need to figure out how the possible points of articulation can be
> assigned to these shapes. There could be some flexibility depending on
> language, but one possibility would be something like this:
> column 1: bilabial, labiodental
> column 2: dental
> column 3: alveolar
> column 4: post-alveolar, retroflex
> column 5: palatal
> column 6: velar
> column 7: uvular, pharyngeal
> column 8: epiglottal, glottal
I imagine that the challenge of writing palindromes in human languages
is parallelled by writing texts in Kjaginic which can be read upside
down :)