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Re: CHAT: I need help with the concept "New World Spanish"

From:Thomas R. Wier <trwier@...>
Date:Sunday, September 1, 2002, 22:09
Quoting "Thomas R. Wier" <trwier@...>:

> Quoting Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>: > > I had a Japanese girlfriend at one point; she had spent some time in > > Mexico. She said she had learned [dZo me dZamo], which sounded weird to > > me... I could kind of accept [dZamo], but pronouncing |yo| as [dZo] > > seemed bizarre. But she insisted that was what she had learned. > > Clearly, you haven't watched enough commercials on Univision > or Telemundo: "[dZame a?ora]..."
In case it wasn't obvious, there should have been a smiley there: :) . ========================================================================= Thomas Wier Dept. of Linguistics "Nihil magis praestandum est quam ne pecorum ritu University of Chicago sequamur antecedentium gregem, pergentes non qua 1010 E. 59th Street eundum est, sed qua itur." -- Seneca Chicago, IL 60637