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From:Kallah <kallah@...>
Date:Thursday, March 6, 2003, 3:26
To answer a few question:


Syllable patterns might be a more accurate term, but word
patterns simply means the patterns applied to create a word.

For example, m-s-r is the root for 'beauty'.  The pattern CûCîCa
creates mûsîra, 'beauty/idea of beauty' (essentially beauty in the
abstract). The pattern táCûCîC creates támûsîr, the adjective
'beautiful'.  There are a considerable number of patterns, still being
developed and classified.

The initial idea behind the differing pronouns/infixes were the second person
intimate and formal pronouns common in many languages;  the idea that
infixes and pronouns were used to reflect status came from a
conversation.  That said, nâtho is the second person masculine formal infix,
ânâtho the equivalent pronoun;  nato is the second person masculine
familiar, ânato the equivalent pronoun.

Mâ'â is the (feminine) negative particle (mâ'o being the masculine and
mâ'î the undetermined/neuter).  Yá is the marker for
incompletion (yâ being the marker for completion); where yáîna came from I'm not sure,
except that it
sounded good at the time.  I'll probably find a
justification/explanation for it eventually.

And English is my first language.

Re: IPA:

IPA is not particularly useful for me, I'm afraid.  The charts don't
tell you what the sound is supposed to *be*, and those with recorded
sounds never sound right (quite possibly due to poor quality);
placements are utterly useless, as I can't percieve the differences
they're talking about in vowels (to some degree I can with consonants)
without far more work than I care to put in for a system I don't care
for.  I'm from the Midwestern US, however.

Best regards,