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Re: Láadan and woman's speak

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 23, 2000, 0:57
Nik Tailor wrote:

>Or the Dyirbal system, wherein "bird" is placed with "female human", >because they believed that birds were the souls of deceased women and >girls. And I love their gender 3 - "non-flesh food"! In full: >Gender 1: Male human and other animates >Gender 2: Female human, fire, fighting, danger, and birds >Gender 3: Non-flesh food >Gender 4: Everything else [presumably including meat]
That system made a close second on my list. If I remember right, animates were split between Gender 1 and Gender 2. Most birds are 2 but some are 1, most insects are 1 but some are 2, etc. Quite interesting. Marcus