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Re: Láadan and woman's speak

From:Robert Hailman <robert@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 23, 2000, 0:53
Barry Garcia wrote:
> > This talk of interesting gender systems lead me to think of another. I was > thinking for a conlang made for technologically advanced people, a gender > system based on things like synthetic and non synthetic things. Perhaps > for things that use electricity, and things that dont, etc. > > Anyway, just a thought ;) >
I like this concept quite a bit, but there's something you'd have to consider. Since the language would very likely have existed before the society became technologically advanced, this gender system would have to have been added to the language later. Since (I'd imagine) gender systems don't pop up automatically, this society would have to have been using electricity and making sythetic materials and such for a long time, several thousand years. Either that or it would have to be an auxilliary language used by all the inhabitants of the planet, to unify it after it became technologically advanced. Say, a scientific language that eventually found acceptance in the whole of society. Just a though based on your thought. :o)