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Re: CHAT: (no subject)

From:Jeremy Steve <jeremyloveshannah@...>
Date:Saturday, January 17, 2004, 6:27
 Here is a language I have been working on for a while now. It is not yet
complete, I am still creating the root words for it before the actual words are
made. Im looking for some advice to simplify it, or maybe just peoples opinions
on it, considering this is my first language to be made. Maybe you can tell me
how to make it more of a language and less of a code, if indeed it still is a
code. Thanks, and I am open to help others as well.

(AND “ I ” only when referring to self. (I, Us, We, Our…etc)

                              Je’han Language

      A B D      E F H J K L M N O P S T U   Y        Z

*This is the ALPHABET:    o  v D(ch) e p n J k  l   z  m a  r  s  t  w   Ÿ (Ya) Ç(zee)

*To make a word long (last letter of word) you place a “c” before it.

*To make a word short (last letter of word) you put a “c” before it (A regular
“ c ” is acceptable in placement of a bold “ c ”, however only when it
cannot be helped).

*For words that are neither long nor short, but have both forms of letters in them,
italicize the long letters, leave the short letters as are.

* All words that end in “e” with a Je’han vowel preceding them are silent.

*To make a letter silent underline it, otherwise it’s heard.

*When any word has two of the following consonants are beside each other a short
“a” sound is added in between the consonants, with this symbol “ ’ ” : V,
Ch, P, N, J, K, L, Z, M, S, T, W, Ç (exceptions: “ R ” counts if before any
of the previous consonants ) HOWEVER, if three or more of the previous letters
are beside each other in a word then only the first of those letters and the
last of those letters is pronounced (and spelled), with a single “ a ” sound
in-between, instead of having many. IF the letter before one of the previous is
“ A ” then the vowel is pronounced as “ e ”.



  *Farthest Future Tense: “ ~` ” makes an “ee” sound.

 Closest Future Tense: “ ~ ” makes an “e” sound. (what will happen right
after, or is happening as being said)

*Closest Past Tense: “ ` ” makes an “um” sound. (as in present tense, however the
Je’han people realize an actual present tense cannot exist in ones words. Used
for what happened just before being said, or as being said.)

 Farthest Past Tense:  “ `~ ” makes “om” sound.

* Tomorrow: “± ” at the beginning of the word “day” and a “¥ ” at the
end. “± ” makes the sound “de” and the “ ¥ ” makes the sound, “Pa”.

* Yesterday: “ ¥ ” at the beginning of the word, “day” and a “ ± “ at
the end. “ ¥ ” makes the sound, “Pa” and the “± ” makes the sound


Plural: “ f  ” makes sound soft

as English “hoo” when preceding a consonant, though

sounds hard as English, “hoo” when preceding a vowel (except in the case of  “I”)

*Singular:  “ r ” makes an English “o” sound. As in On

*Maximum amount of something: “€ ” makes a “sed” sound

*In all single consonant words with no vowels, an “e” sound

  is placed at the end of the word.

*Conjunction: Lengths based on first word, first one to two (in few exceptions three)
letters of first word, last one to two letters of second and/or third word.
Words pulled together with a “ _ ” in-between them (except in conjunction of
words to create a name. Then words not separated by anything at all, but
blended as one word).

-Consonants signs: O(o) V(v) D(d) E(e) P(p) N(n) J(j) I K(k) L(l) Z(z) M(m) A(a) R(r) S(s)

-Vowel signs: c c ‘and sometimes “ e ”if it is at the end of the word in single
consonant words with no vowels.

Tense Signs: ` `~ ~ ~` ¥ ±

Gender Signs: ¬ ¦ µ ð

IN REPLACEMENT OF A “ . ” (period) shall be “ · ” which rests slightly above the line.

IN REPLACEMENT OF A “ ? ” (question mark) shall be a “¿ ”.

Consonant Names: O: O, V: Vee, D: Cha, E: Eee, P: Pee, N: En, J: Jay, I: I, K: Kay, L:
El, Z: Ze, M: Em, A: Aya, R: Ar, S: Es, T: Tee, W: We, Ÿ: Ya, Ç: zee

Vowel Names: c : Snat, c :Laya, ‘ :cAya, ` : Ros_Te, ~: Res_Te, e: e

   Any consonant before a vowel is long, (exception: before Present tense)
 Any consonant before a consonant is long (unless the consonant preceding is V,
Ch, P, N, J, K, L, Z(m), M, R, S, T, or W..(then the consonant after is also
short)) though the consonant after is as well long, with or without a vowel
preceding. (exception: If it is the last letter of the word, or beside the last
letter of the word)

-If there is no letter before or preceding the consonant then it is pronounced as
long. If a letter is before it, then it is the opposite length of the letter
before it.

-If the letter before the consonant is V, Ch, P, N, J, K, L, Z(m), M, R, S, T, or
W then the consonant is opposite, in length, of the letter before the previous
one. (Vowels included)

-If the letter before that is also V, Ch, P, N, J, K, L, Z(m), M, R, S, T, or W,
then it is pronounced short.

*If two of the same consonant is beside each other, then the second one is made
silent, and rules one and two are carried out the same.

*First letter of following word is always opposite sound (long or short) of last
letter of previous word.

*“ Ya ” is never affected by the vowels “ c ” or “ c ”. If an “ a ” comes
after “Ya ” then it is silent.

*No vowels are ever affected by rules of sound or pronunciation. They always sound
the same, however can affect letters around them.

 “Eom” symbolizes what the word is or belongs to. (example: run John, would
be “W’meom Jan’m” or John red would be “Jan’meom ed”)
   “Em” goes after an object to show it belongs to the following noun/pronoun.
   “x” symbolizes “ownership” and replaces “ ‘s ”
   When two vowels are beside each other a long “A” sound is carried.
 A word written as a number begins with a “ ^ ” sign though is pronounced the
same orally. (exception(s): “Teya” as in “Three” is pronounced with a long
“a” after the “ y ”, “Teya”)

*Component Order: Verb, subject, Noun, Adj (noun).,  Adj (subj), Adv., Time period.

                *Noun directly connection to adjective.

                *Conjunctions always made connected to end of the word making the conjunction.

                *Verb connects to Adverb through conjunction

                *Subject connects to Adjective through conjunction.

*One tense can only e in a sentence. If a word is past tense, the entire sentence
is past tense, unless interrupted by a “ ; ”, in which case the next portion
of the sentence can be present tense. Past tense is always the first portion of
the sentence. The second portion of the sentence must contain at least the
following: Verb followed by a noun. The second portion of the sentence explains
what the subject is doing presently.

                                EX) He ate the apple; Watching television.

                                EX) He had a dog; sitting in a room eating food

 -If the sentence has just one portion, the entire sentence can be either
present or past tense.

*A sentence must consist of the following: Verb, subject, Adj. (EXAMPLES: 1 The
Sky is blue and shining. 2) He is tall and glowing.)

*A sentence CAN consist of the additional:,noun, adverb

   There are no stress patterns in Je’han.
 Genders are separated into males, females, transsexuals, and children are
considered their own gender. A gender is written and said at the beginning of
the name of the person, if who is speaking wishes to say so. The male sign is
¬ and makes a “Zo” sound. The female sign is “ ¦ ” and makes a “ Zo ”.
The transsexual sign is, “µ ” and it makes a “zegn” sound. The child’s
sign is, “ð ” and it makes a “ Zet ” sound.
   ARTICLES: The only article in Je’han is eom which takes the place of  “is, the, and are”

   A space separates words.

 In place of “ … ” is “» ” at end of word, pause after. Used only if
meaning of the writer is thinking, or giving long pause for reader to think.

 In place of “ . ” is “ • ” Used after sentence for reader to know knew
thought is being delivered by the writer.

 In place of “ , ” and “ ( ) ” is “ ‘ ” at end of word, short pause
after. Used when writer wants a pause go give their story feeling, or want to
put a thought inside a separate thought. Very general allowing one to express

   In place of “ “ ” is “  ” at beginning and end of quote.

 When writing a list a “ . ” is placed after every item on the list. At the
last item two “ . ” is placed after it. If the last item is the end of the
sentence then a “• ”is placed after the “ . ”

Roots:             Meaning:        Je’han word:   Meaning:           Examples:

A                             not                          cOe                        missing

Ambul                    to walk                   cOz’l                       walk

Ante                       before                     om’te                      ahead, pervious

Anti                        against                   cOm’t                     against

Audi                       to hear                    Ow’d                      hear

Be                           thoroughly            cVe                         Reason

Auto                       self                          ow’ta                      self

Bene                       good                       Veme                      good

Ceed,Cess             to go/to yield        cEed/cEss              go, yield

Chron                     time                         cNam                      time

Cide, cis                 to kill, to cut          cDe/cSe                 kill, cut

Circum                    Around                  W’z                         Around

Con                         With                       cAm                        With, together

Contra                    Against                  Am’to                     Against, opposite

Cred                        to believe               oed                         believe

Endo                       inside, within        Em’da                     inside, within

Equi                        Equal                      cEwol                     Equal, same

E                      Out, away, from         cEe                             Out, away-from

Flu                          flow                        cLa                          Flow

Flect                       to bend                  cLet                        bend

Gram                       To write                 cOz                         Write

Hetero                    Other                      Nat’ne                    Other

Homo                     Same                       Naza                       same

Hyper                     Over, above          Neÿre                Over

Hypo                Below, less       Neÿra               Below, less


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