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Re: CHAT National toponyms (was: OT Caution!! IRA funding)

From:John Cowan <jcowan@...>
Date:Friday, September 17, 2004, 12:06
Andreas Johansson scripsit:

> _Rice_? > > I suggest we resurrect this word, and henceforth call Hitler's state > "the Third Rice".
Third Rich would be more like it. Indeed, the word ri:ce in Old English could mean (in the nominative singular) either "rich" or "kingdom"; in later English the latter sense was lost. This Germanic word also got into French via Franconian (presumably), but was itself a very old Celtic borrowing (stem ri:g-y) as the palatalization shows, rather than a direct reflex of PIE reg-. However, the -ric of "bishopric" and the "-ritch" of "eldritch" (a word that would probably be almost forgotten if H.P. Lovecraft hadn't used it) are survivals of the older meaning: "eldritch" < elf + ri:ce, indeed. There are plenty of direct reflexes of reg-, though: right, rake, rack, and reck(less) to start with. To these we can add oodles of borrowings of Latin regere/rectus and its compounds; likewise Latin rex, some direct, some through French (giving us pairs like regal vs. royal) and the coin riyal (< Arabic < Spanish). Anorexia has the same source, where the -o- is from original H3 in the root; there is also Skt/Hindi raja and its relatives. Latin rogare and its compounds are from the o-grade, probably including ergo < e-rogo, as are rake and rack; finally, there is raita, Indian-style yogurt with chopped fruit. -- A witness cannot give evidence of his John Cowan age unless he can remember being born. --Judge Blagden