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Re: OT: Unicode 5.0

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Thursday, January 12, 2006, 21:58
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 14:05:28 -0500, John Vertical
<johnvertical@...> wrote:

> Paul Bennett wrote: >> See also the Variation Selectors, which tell a different story, and the >> Rubric brackets proposed for Egyptian. > > Pardon? Those don't seem to appear in the lexicon.
Some Ancient Egyptian texts use color for semantic rather than decorative purposes. Unicode has always been firmly "Color is a decorative, and NEVER semantic feature. Unicode will not encode it". For Egyptian, they hedged, and named "color" as "rubric", and introduced "Begin Rubric" and "End Rubric" characters, and stated "the display method of rubric is an undefined behavior, which may be decided by each application as they see fit". They also introduced some exact character layout codes, which are also useful for Mayan (and arguably Sumerian), and which are also antithetical to the unchanging Unicode principles of encoding meaning and not markup, but which they carefully lawyered their way around with more careful terminology. The Variation Selectors are a range of Unicode codepoints shared between scripts that have several variants for each character, but which do not occur according to some kind of regular pattern. Ancient scripts such as Etruscan and Iberian are examples of this, where there are two or more glyph shapes for certain letters, but those shapes appear to occur randomly. Given an agreed numbering of each variation, the Variation Selectors combine with the base character to indicate the actual variant that occurs in a specific text. Paul


John Vertical <johnvertical@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>