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Re: World Lingos

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Sunday, August 27, 2000, 20:24
Raymond Brown wrote:
> Easier if it's read rather than spoken, also, methinks. The two parted > company a few centuries and are distinctive enough to consitute different > languages.
Certainly true that it's much easier read, but I've heard that most Portuguese-speakers can understand Spanish if it's spoken slowly and clearly.
> Indeed, why should it? It is IMHO a very beautiful language;
Indeed, Spanish and Italian are among the prettiest languages I've heard, IMO.
> My experience of French people over very, very many years convinces me that > as long as there is a place called France and people who call themselves > français or françaises the French language will remain. One thing I find > most French people are proud of is their language.
Indeed, I find it hard to imagine French dying out short of a plague wiping out most of France. If it ever does die out, I'm sure it would be sometime in the very distant (say, 1000+ yrs) future.
> Languages die very hard. Welsh not merely survives, but has now gained > official recognition for the first time in centuries and there is no > shortage of people who want to learn it.
But, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of tiny languages (by tiny, I mean communities of no more than a few hundred or thousand speakers) dying out, hundreds wherein no children are learning them. -- ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor