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Re: another language reconstruction question

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Friday, November 1, 2002, 17:07
Tim May wrote:
>John Cowan writes: > > Florian Rivoal scripsit: > > > > > How can the case of english in USA, or latin in western europe > > > be similar to PIE? Those two are conveyed by One single civilisation >or > > > empire. the whole area is influence by one culture. Was there such a > > > Proto-indo-european empire reigning over an area as vast as the whole > > > indo european area? > > > > No. More likely, the PIE-speakers had high technology of some sort > > (perhaps the horse and war chariot, perhaps bronze metallurgy) that > > allowed them to dominate their neighbors and spread out. There surely > > never was a vast Eurasian empire: rather, they moved outward from the > > point of origin, conquering as they went -- but *not* staying in touch > > with their relatives who went in other directions. > >There go my plans to found a "Campaign for the Reunification of >Proto-Indo-Europe".
Since when do that kind of ventures need a foundation in actual or even probable history? Speaking of the spread of IE langs, searching for "Colin Renfrew" should introduce you to a theory that IE was rather spread by early farmers than by warlike western steppe nomads. Less popular, and very probably less likely (like I could tell!), but interesting nonetheless. Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Broadband? Dial-up? Get reliable MSN Internet Access.


daniel andreasson <danielandreasson@...>