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Re: Auto presentatzioni/Self-introduction

From:Edgard Bikelis <bikelis@...>
Date:Friday, September 7, 2007, 22:29

Seja bem(-)vindo! Be welcome! I'm by far not the most active one on this
list, but be nevertheless : ).

Those numbers about your language are quite admirable, not to mention the
persistence. Do you have anything about La Pedro to show me/us? Syntax
usually is a deplorable mess... I'm very curious about what you did with it.
My conlang has just two years, 30 pages of grammar and about a thousand of
words... and I feel I can't even say 'hi!' in it, much less teach a dog
(ehm, I have just two cats) anything. Maybe sit: "séd!" or "zdhí!".

Why Portuguese? : ) It would be nearly perfect, had at least the nominal
declension survived...


On 9/7/07, Dr. Peter E. Tarlow <tourism@...> wrote:
> > I recently learned about this listserv and am > proud to have joined it. About 50 years ago (I am > 61) I started to develop a language I called La > Petro. Words were borrowed from a number of > languages or self-generated. I was especially > interested in the question of grammar. I wanted > to develop a clear and workable grammar. Over the > years, La Petro has grown to a language of about > 10,000 words. I have also written a grammar book, > a text book and a 3,000-word dictionary which > translates each word into English and Spanish and > classifies it according to its grammatical usage. > > On a personal level: > > I speak fluently English, Spanish (I train cops > in Spanish), Portuguese, Hebrew and a pretty > descent French. I also struggle through Hawaiian > and Italian, and when needed do ok in Catalan. I > read Aramaic but of course no one speaks it. > > I live a triple life. I am the rabbi at Texas > A&M. I am also a member of the University's Dept. > of Philosophy. The other side of my life is that > I also have a Ph.D in sociology with a specialty > in tourism security and counter-terrorism. You > can look me up on the web and find thousands of > entries about me or go to my website > <> > > La Petro is about two thirds borrowed vocabulary > (but then most languages are) and one homegrown > words. Often the word changes meaning, for > example, sufrir in Spanish means to suffer, but > in La Petro it carries the meaning of "to be > bothered by" > > De vüs yil sufrir? means "What bothers you?". > Other expressions come from my conversations with > my son, Nathaniel. Thus, the term "bane" meaning > "a person of low social and/or cultural/academic > level" comes from a conversation my son and I had > about one of our less than elegant friends. We > have many words of this type. > > I started developing the language as a hobby when > I was about ten, (I am now 61). Perhaps it was a > form of escapism. Over the years it grew. I spoke > to my children in it, they understand but speak > poorly and have not learned to write it very > well. I also speak to my wife in it (she gets > mad, but now understands most concepts so I gave > her a degree as a salshuleh complet (full > professor) dü La Petro. I also taught my dog to > take all his commands in La Petro, but > unfortunately he died. > > Y vant yilim gratitud-don'ne orp yilim > atentzioni/ I want to thank you all for your > attention. > > Miht cavod/sincerely, Peter > > > -- > Dr. Peter Tarlow > 1218 Merry Oaks, > College Station, Texas, 77840-2609, USA. > Telephone: +1 (979) 764-8402. >