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Re: "conlanger" en Franais?

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Thursday, April 27, 2000, 16:29
In a message dated 2000/04/27 03:11:24 PM:

>>Unfortunately, tho the second element only means 'maker', it looks too much >>like 'poet' and the compound suggests 'language poet' as much 'language >>maker'. > > >>Well, that wouldn't bother me. Conlanging and poetry seem not far from one >another to me. >
"... There is no reason for the poet to be limited to words, and in fact the poet is most poetic when inventing languages. Hence the concept of the poet as 'language designer.'..." - O. B. Hardison, Jr., _Disappearing through the Skylight: Culture & Technology in the Twentieth Century_