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Re: Swedish conlangers: what can we do with

From:Douglas Koller <laokou@...>
Date:Saturday, October 20, 2007, 18:16
From: Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...>

> Se hit svenska conlangare!
> Those who have comments, ideas or general info material to > share are welcome to contact me onlist in English or offlist > in Swedish at
> Come to think of it someone may like to register > just to have the bases covered...
Many moons ago, there was a place where Scandinav conlangers could go to schmooze. Is this that place? Or did that list go the way of all things? While I'm here...I stumbled online upon a children's book in Danish about trees. In the intro, there's the phrase, "...indskød Mikkel." ("remarked Mikkel."). The question: indskyde, skød, skudt for "remark" I found in Swedish inskjuta, sköt, skjutit for "insert" can I use this with the meaning of "remark"? does this even exist in Norwegian? innskyte, skjøt, skutt in any meaning whatsoever? ("interject/inject?") Too, Danish and Norwegian have "begynde/begynne" for "begin" while I found only "begynnelsebokstav" in the Swedish dictionary. Would "begynna" be possible at all, or too quaint and twee compared to "börja"? Tack så mycket, Kou