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Re: OT: Non-Human Phonology

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 17, 2006, 13:03
From: "Rob Haden" <magwich78@...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:16 AM

> What's a tritone, though?
Don't know if this is a rhetorical question, but if you ask for an explanation here: A tritone is a chord (Zweiklang?) consisting of a base tone and the augmented fourth (diminished fifth), e.g. C + F#. That is, a tritone is always the tone that is on the opposite side of the base tone in the circle of fifths (Quintenzirkel?). It once was forbidden by a papal order, at least in church music, and was called "diabolis in musica" because it sounds rather horrible. I read it's important in Jazz music, though. I don't want to say that Jazz music sounds horrible, but you can't apply all the aesthetics of classical music to Jazz. Carsten -- "Miranayam kepauarà naranoaris." (Kalvin nay Hobbes) Siruena, Ihaloy 5, 2315 ya 20:34:12 pd