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Re: Laadan was Re: Posession

From:Amanda Babcock <langs@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 20, 2003, 22:42
I share other posters' disappointment at the inavailability of Laadan.

On Tue, May 20, 2003 at 03:13:34PM -0700, Stone Gordonssen wrote:

> The grammar book is copyrighted, as are things like the Lojban grammar book > available through AMAZON.COM.
The key difference here is that one doesn't *have* to buy the Lojban grammar book. One can read it online. Also, while copyright happens automatically upon publication of any written document, the Lojban grammar specifically contains the sentence: "Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this book." I wish Suzette Haden Elgin had done the same. I think it would have furthered her goals.
> The language itself isn't copyrighted, and the > 1000+ word lexicon is free on the internet.
Where can the lexicon be found? I've searched for it in the past without success. Amanda


Peter Clark <peter-clark@...>