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Goodbye, cruel world

From:Christopher Wright <faceloran@...>
Date:Thursday, January 8, 2004, 3:31

I'm going nomail because I'm a thousand messages behind and can stand to
miss five or six messages related to conlanging each day if it means I
actually do some conlanging, and if it means I save six hours or more per week.

If someone would like to take over the Weekly Vocab, I'd be quite happy
about that. (Email me privately, faceloran -at- juno -dot- com, to
volunteer.) If no one offers, I'll continue it starting the weekend of the
24th. Strangely, I can't handle that sort of thing while on vacation.

So, with my newfound spare time, and at the instigation of a random
roleplayer, I've started conlanging again after a three-month hiatus. Here's
a sample text in Fampónd /fam'pund/, just for the sake of ontopicness:

Cheraf  menon       li  imenís  rishnor    li  enya
Soup-ac the boy-dat wander-dat the mother-nom
/xE.raf mEnon li i'mE.najs 'riS.nor li En.ja/

þála     lanítáþ.      Ashina    lóm itisa         ma atáþ.
good-nom make-pres.3s. Thick-nom and spice-adj.nom it be-pres.3s
/ la'naj.teT a'Sina lum i' ma 'a.teT/

Maf   cea seríás.      Ia  se  erasítás.       Corda atáþ.
It-ac so  like-aor.3s. But NEG return-pres.3s. Late  be-pres.3s
/maf keja sE' ia sE E.ra'saj.tes kor.da a.teT/

Idra ushatáþ.          Enya   ushcajirítáþ.       Talan duc lasórá
Dark INCH*-be-pres.3s. Mother INCH-worry-pres.3s. When  ten clock-dat
/idra US'a.teT Enja UskaZi'raj.teT ta'lan dUk la'

serásal         aventáþ      í     ayensónd   sojítán. call-pres.3s for** search-pres.3pl
/sE're.sal a'vEnteT aj a.jen'sund so.Zaj'ten/

* INCH = inchoative
** This is, iirc,*** a complimentizer.
*** /yrx/

Cheraf menon li imenís rishnor li enya þála lanítáþ. Ashina lóm itisa ma
atáþ. Maf cea seríás. Ia se erasítás. Corda atáþ. Idra ushatáþ. Enya
ushcajirítáþ. Talan duc lasórá serásal aventáþ í ayensónd sojítán.

The good mother makes bean soup for the errant boy. It is thick and spicy.
He likes it so. But the boy does not return. It is late. It is getting dark.
The mother begins to worry. At ten o'clock, she calls the neighbors to
search along the road.

Stress is on the penultimate mora; word order is OVS (switching to VSO for
questions, and damn me for including something best explained by TGG); the
grammar uses modular affixation (agulunutunation implies that words often
have more than one lexical morpheme, and that's just not Fampónd's thing);
nouns and adjectives inflect for nominative, accusative, dative, genitive,
and locative cases (but the locative also functions as allative, which makes
it more fun); and everything but the determiner follows a noun.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>