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Re: OFF-TOPIC: Non linguistics books by Chomsky

From:Jonathan Knibb <j_knibb@...>
Date:Sunday, May 23, 2004, 22:03
Stephen Mulraney wrote:
Joe wrote:
>>> severe rashes in the under-fives
> I assumed it was what it seemed. That is, 'children under five > years old'.
Zackly. That was the intention. But now that I look at it, it seems faulty in some way. Certainly the hyphen doesn't help. It's one of those English English (*) phrases that I haven't quite learned to handle properly yet. Should it have a 'the'? I don't know. Ach well. (*) At least, that would explain why Joe understands it, I understand it but can't reproduce it, and John isn't sure about it :). <<< .. and why I found it completely unmentionable - er, I mean unobjectionable. :P Is it Rightpond-specific then? Jonathan. [reply to jonathan underscore knibb at hotmail dot com] -- 'O dear white children casual as birds, Playing among the ruined languages...' Auden/Britten, 'Hymn to St. Cecilia'


John Cowan <cowan@...>