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Re: Translation Exercise (was The last enemy)

From:Matthew Turnbull <ave.jor@...>
Date:Monday, October 27, 2008, 21:55
kwuntushtòoarkon                      asol                         morthol
       kwoma    rénarto'kko
be.destroyed-3SG-by.3SG-FUT   be.3SG.PRES-SUB  death-SUB     enemy    lastly

kwuntushtòoarkon asol morthol kwoma rénarto'kko

the enemy, which is death, will be destroyed last.

death will be the last enemy to be destroyed

Kwuntushtòoarke - to be destroyed

rénarte - to be last

kwoma : an enemy

I had a bit of a probleme since jorayn has no passive voice, it uses special
form of active verb