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Re: syllable importance

From:Steve Cooney <stevencooney@...>
Date:Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 5:39
Alexandre Lang axed:
Are syllables really important in a language except
for poetry?

Syllables are indeed of import
Important like the sun which
shines like light upon the night
to make it day

and anywhere you hear
any silly bull playing here
where should be no bulls near
to make one feel endeared

and dare I make what you may maybe be
being on there which what might be seen
though not be leaving
in deed silly bulls are imp or tant
Donut as in poor tent as one might say.

-Steven Cloonery

--- Alexandre Lang <allexpro@...> wrote:
> are syllables really important in a language except > for poetry? > -- > Alexandre Lang > > > -- > - Accessible with your email > software > or over the web
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