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A New Conlang -- Looking for Suggestions

From:Jim Grossmann <jimg4732@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 5:53

Other listers have mentioned good resources.   I also suggest  ... .

Didn't have time for the most thorough reading of your grammar, but the
following points suggested themselves.

1)	What are "hard" vs. "soft" vowels?

2)	Cases:  you've got more than one case.  In addition to genitive, you have
a (presumeably unmarked) common-case.

3)	Pronouns:   For "normal" case, shall we say "nominative" case?

Why have possessive pronouns when you can have genitive pronouns?

What pronoun or pronouns refer to antecedents comprising coordinated nouns
with different genders?  e.g.   "The man and the woman went to the store.
Then (place your pronoun here) bought coffee."   Do you ignore gender
distinctions in the plural, as in German & other lg.s, or maintain gender
distinctions in the plural, as in Gothic and other lg.s?   Is your pronoun a
form of "they" or is it the conjoined pronouns "he and she"?

How do you express reflexive genitive, e.g.  "He shot *his own* foot."  i.e.
"He shot the foot of himself?"  If you don't want this kind of construction
in your grammar, what will you use instead?

4)	Verbs:  You've shown how the verb can be marked to indicate a) that it
takes an indirect object, and b) the person of the indirect object.  Here
would be a good place to mention your section on objects.  e.g.  You could
insert "See section on 'Objects' below." in your text.

The distinction between "ongoing" and "immediate" is a distinction of

Your other aspects are...

Beginning: used to show that an action is just beginning. "ra"
Ending: used to show an action that is just ending. "ga"
Continuous: used to display an action that occurs at regular, predictable
intervals. "va"
Irregular continuous: used to display an action that occurs at irregular
intervals. "vila"

Duplicative: used to show a redoing, as the English "re-". "to-"
Repetitive: used to show an undoing, as the English "un-". "jo-"

(For "repetitive," shall we say "reversative"?)

These, on the other hand, are moods:

Capacitive: used to show the ability to do something. "ska"
Posibilitive: used to show that an action is possible. "ka"
(Possibilitive+future tense conjugation="could")
Augmentative: used to increase the power of a verb. "ni"
Diminutive: used to decrease the power of a verb. "ti"

"If (...could)" = vu (vun)
"Should (...but)" = bar (bara)
"Would ...but)" = mer

"Aspect" pertains to time and timing within the period of time conveyed by
tense or context.
So, while tense will tell you whether the event or state happens in the
past, present, or future, aspect will tell you whether the event in any of
those times is starting, continuous, repeated, usual, constant, finished,

"Mood" pertains the speaker's perception or evaluation of the relationship
between what-the-sentence-stands-for and reality.  Is
what-the-sentence-stands-for a fact (indicative),
a what-if counterfactual scenario (irrealis, subjunctive), a wish
(optative), something being asked about (interrogative), a command

There are a lot more aspects and moods to choose from than I have listed

NEGATION:  In languages that have negative forms of the verb, like Japanese,
I think the "negative" vs. "non-negative" distinction is called "polarity."
But do check on this.

5)	Adjectives:   Are Anicca's versions of "this," "that," and "the other
thing" really adjectives?

You mention that short adjectives are suffixed to nouns, along with
morphemes that intensify them.   What about long adjectives or complex
adjectival phrases?

6)	Subordinate Clauses:  Under this section, you have only a relative clause
as an example.  Does Anicca have other kinds of subordinate clauses?
Complement clauses?  Adverbial clauses?

7)	Dictionary:  Some day, you'll have to put the whole dictionary in your
grammar.  You could make a separate web page for your dictionary, and have a
link to it at the end of your grammar.

Hope this helps,

Jim G.