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Re: CHAT: "Mister" (WAS: Re: New Lang: Igassik)

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, October 23, 2000, 6:15
At my university, the Professors generally call students by their first
names, despite grade level (less than 3,000 students. Most of my classes
have no more than 30 people). Some allow us to call them by their first
names also, but for me, I generally call older professors "professor so
and so". Of course, it depends what they say we can call them by. Most
dont mind first names, but some prefer we call them by their titles).


 L  A   S  T  R  E  L  L  A   G  R  A  N  D

Lem alo smu tue rnm edo lon lnt aòa nuñ òog ua as!