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Re: CHAT: "Mister" (WAS: Re: New Lang: Igassik)

From:Andrew Chaney <adchaney@...>
Date:Monday, October 23, 2000, 19:06
>[snip] its all first names, except maybe with very senior faculty. Even >so, as I recall at Michigan, Pike's students called him Ken, but William >Gedney (in Thai linguistics, and possibly even older than Pike) was NEVER >Bill, but Prof. or Mr. >So it depends.....
Here at U. of Louisiana, it depends a lot on the department. Professors in the Engineering or Math dept. are generally Prof. Chambers or Dr. Simon or Dr. Schneider, but profs in the more artistic depts like Architecture or Industrial Design tend to be John or Geoff or Hector.
>Rant dept: Sometimes we carry this firstname stuff too far. [snip] End rant.
Me too. Andy