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Re: CHAT: "Mister" (WAS: Re: New Lang: Igassik)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 24, 2000, 4:32
Adrian Morgan wrote:
>I know that 'professor' in American English doesn't mean 'the head of a >university department' which is the meaning elsewhere ... and I know that >'college' is used to mean what I would call 'university' ...
Not necessarily.... In common usage, "college" can refer to any institution of higher learning-- from a 2-year "Community College" to a 4-year "College" leading to a Bachelor's degree (some do offer graduate work toward an MA in some fields), to a full fledged University that offers Bachelors, MA and PhD in almost all fields. So most Americans would say, "I'm going to college/ I'm in college", not " university / university".