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Re: Color associations

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Tuesday, September 5, 2000, 0:59
In a message dated 2000:09:04 4:33:40 PM, hsteoh@QUICKFUR.YI.ORG writes:

>They aren't really abstractions tho... for example, the monitor you're >looking at builds it colors using additive colors (red/green/blue pixels) >instead of subtractive colors (like paint). It's just that we don't >normally play with colored lights; we're more likely to play with colored >materials like paints, instead.
That's what I meant. We don't normally play with coloured light. But in a developing tropical rainforest island culture like Autonomia Isola Verde's, that is what they knew best - from hands-on experience - when Caos Pidgin was being shaped from a jargon to a pidgin (& later to a stable, expanded pidgin... & finally a creole). czHANg "It would be ironic if the answer to Babel were pidgin and not Pentecost." - George Steiner, _After Babel: Aspects of Language & Translation_